Frequently Asked Questions
Our law firm’s goal is get our client the care and compensation they deserve quickly and efficiently. In general, after an accident where you have been injured, it is important for your health and a case to obtain medical treatment that you need. Once your treatment is over, or once we have a clear idea of the nature and extent of your injuries, we then begin the settlement process with the insurance company. Most cases settle without the need for a lawsuit. However, if the insurance company does not offer you the money you deserve, we will file a lawsuit and aggressively litigate your case. Our attorneys know what they are doing, so most of our cases settle for top dollar compensation without having to go to court. We will hold your hand along the way.
Our bodies are made up of hard tissues such as bones and soft tissues which are technically everything else such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Frequently referred to as “whiplash,” these injuries are regularly seen in everyday car accidents. Many patients improve within a few months, but some patients have pain that continues and become chronic in nature. These types of injuries don’t always show up in x-rays or even MRIs, making proving them more difficulty. Our attorneys know how to handle these types of cases so that our clients obtain the recovery they deserve.

At Benji Personal Injury, we leave no stone unturned when it comes to finding somebody to sue for you. In the hit and run context, we may be able to get our client’s top dollar settlements, even when the other side fled the scene of the accident, or the other side didn’t have auto insurance.
As we get older, our bodies get exposed to more and more. The stresses of life cause many people to develop pain and other conditions in their body. However, this does not give a right to other people to injure us. The law protects people with pre-existing conditions. We know how to prove our clients injuries even when they have had the same or a similar injury in the past. Many times we can use preexisting conditions in our client’s favor to obtain greaters recoveries from the insurance company on their behalf.
In order to obtain compensation for your bodily injuries, you need to have medical proof of your injuries. The insurance company in general isn’t going to just take your word for it. It is always a good idea to have your injuries checked out as soon as possible. Our office will be happy to refer you to a provider in your area who will help make you better.
Nobody plans on getting involved in an accident and suddenly being responsible for extensive medical expenses. Our experienced attorneys assess our clients’ injuries and makes sure that they get the medical care they need. If you do not have health insurance, we can get you see by a qualified healthcare provider in your area. You will not owe them any money out of your pocket, and when your case gets resolved, they get paid out of the case. Since we are a law firm that is not afraid of going all the way to trial, we work with only well-respected and qualified physicians, many of whom have experience testified in court as an expert witness.
When law enforcement investigates an accident, they will frequently issue a traffic collision report which contains the names of the parties involved, any witness information, and statements attributed to the parties and witnesses. The investigating officer will then give his opinion on the primary collision factor or whose at fault. Although having a police report in your favor is helpful, it’s not the end of the world if the report is against you. A good accident attorney, particularly somebody who has experience with cross examining police officers and proving cases in court, can overcome the challenges faced when the police report is against you. If it can be done, we know how to do it.
We work on a contingency fee. This means you are only responsible to pay attorneys’ fees if we get a recovery. We handle your property damage-free of charge. We get paid at the end of the case from the settlement or award we obtain for you. The greater the award, the more we make too. We are in it together.